Breaking the Neurodivergent Burnout Cycle (Office Hours Q and A)

Events, Office Hours Q&A

by Sarah Leff

As neurodivergent professionals, we experience burnout at much higher rates than our neurotypical counterparts. In fact, one study conducted of 4,129 people showed that a whopping 50% of neurodivergent employees reported feeling burnt out at work.

That makes a lot of sense. After all, the world of work wasn’t designed with neurodivergent brains in mind, so even the most basic tasks can cause a high level of overwhelm and anxiety.

But it’s not hopeless – there are things that you can do to combat the burnout cycle so you can live a more balanced life. And that’s precisely the focus behind our next Office Hours session, where we’ll be discussing the contributing factors of burnout and what you can do to keep things manageable.

Click the link below to view the event page for our upcoming Office Hours Virtual Q&A Live Chat, on Wednesday August 7 at 12PM PST / 3PM EST. Admission is “Pay What You Can”.

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About Veronica Yao, Career Coach at Atypical Careers

Before starting her career coaching business, Veronica was in the marketing field for nearly 10 years. Living with undiagnosed ADHD, she struggled to understand why she continually experienced burnout and exhaustion in her career, when her peers seemed to be thriving under the same circumstances. After a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, Veronica launched her coaching business, Atypical Careers, to serve neurodivergent professionals who struggled with maintaining a sustainable work life just like she did.

If you want to learn more about how you can break the burnout cycle, register and join Veronica on Wednesday, August 7 at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern to learn how you can break the neurodivergent burnout cycle in future jobs. Have a specific question you want answered? Submit your question here and Veronica will answer it on the webinar.

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Are you neurodivergent and burnt out at work?

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